plugins for Particle cloud
View the Project on GitHub chuank/freeboard-plugin-particle-cloud
A simple plugin for the dashboard that allows data from Particle devices to be exposed on a local Particle cloud.
The original work for this plugin was authored by @krvarma and posted on the community forum. That version provided SSEs (Server-Sent-Events) between the cloud (non-local) and a locally-installed [] dashboard.
At the time of writing, the local Particle cloud can only broadcast SSEs at the following levels:
This repository is created to host freeboard plugins that address the above differences between and locally-installed clouds.
Follow the instructions on to install the plugin.
At this time time, there is only one plugin available:
Add the Particle Local SSE datasource as you would normally do on
The fields in the dialog box are self-explanatory. Take note to provide the full local url for your local Particle cloud and port number. For example: http://particle.local:8080
In the Event text field, enter the SSE event name you want to track. This field should contain the same string as your Particle Build/Dev code:
Spark.publish("eventName", String(eventValue), 5, PRIVATE);
(Note: there's no practical difference between PRIVATE / PUBLIC events on a local cloud!)
Once OK'ed, you should get the SSE working and updating itself automatically to your freeboard every time a new event gets called by your Particle devices.
This really depends on how you are publishing your variables from Particle, but a suggested approach is to compile as many readings as needed into a JSON string (be sure to check the 63-byte limit for both event name and data strings), and send that as a single publish request to minimise the number of events being published.
Take note: the local Particle cloud by default limits the publish frequency to 1Hz, or a burst of 4 messages every 4 seconds.
A publish request in Particle Build/Dev for a temperature/humidity sensor might look like:
tempC = DHT22.getCelsius();
humidity = DHT22.getHumidity();
sprintf(pubOut, "{\"c\":\"%2.2f\",\"h\":\"%2.2f\"}", tempC, humidity);
Spark.publish("dht22", pubOut, 5, PUBLIC);
Working from the above example, the data received in a freeboard widget will require some additional JSON parsing, which can be easily done in the freeboard .JS editor as:
var d = JSON.parse(datasources["SSE"]["data"]);
return d["c"];
If you are not publishing JSON data from Particle Build/Dev and only need to publish a single string value, retrieving this is even easier:
In addition, you can also parse the metadata included with each SSE:
var dateObj = new Date(datasources["SSE"]["published_at"]);
return dateObj.getHours();
Due to the way the current Particle local cloud works, we are unable to retrieve device-specific or device-and-event-specific SSEs for direct usage. Therefore, a workaround needs to be included in the .JS editor in freeboard.
After setting up your datasource SSE, create a widget, and follow the guidelines below, using a Text widget as an example. In the widget's settings, click on the .JS editor and wrap the following if...else condition:
var id = datasources["your_datasource"]["coreid"];
if(id=="[deviceID]") { // replace with the Device ID that you are targeting
return datasources["your_datasource"]["data"]; // or customised code depending on the JSON you generated
Note: sample above is just a guideline; alter the fields to match your own scenario.
Original plugin: 2014 Krishnaraj Varma (@krvarma)
Particle local cloud adaptation and instructions: 2015 Chuan Khoo (@chuank)